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DQIX - Serena

Slimenia is the the main setting of Rocket Slime, as well as the rest of the Slime Morimori Dragon Quest series. It also appears to be the name given to an island inhabitated for the most part by Slimes.

Slimenia no icons

Slimenia as seen after leaving Boingburg.

Locations (Slime MoriMori)[]

Location Image(s) Description
Surlun Town Surlun Town Slime MoriMori's version of Boingburg. The town is HUGELY different than boingburg, and can be upgraded by the game's version of Ducktor Cid.
Nokke Woods
Nokke Woods
Nokke Woods is the first dungeon of Slime MoriMori. It bears many similarities to Forewood Forest from it's sequel. The boss here is a Rock Golem.

Locations (Rocket Slime)[]

Location Image(s) Description
Boingburg no names th

A basic map of Boingburg.

The capital city of Slimenia, rule by His Royal Wobbliness. Rocket and all the other 101 slimes live in this town. As the player rescues more slimes, more areas are accessible.
Forewood Forest
A forest just outside of Boingburg. This area is first accessed with Rocket is thrown there by the Plob. A total of 17 Slimes are rescued in Forewood Forest, including His Royal Wobbliness, and Mother Glooperior.
Tootinschleiman's Tomb
A tomb located on the south-eastern shores of Slimenia. The area has many rivers and carts with cannons on them. The player recieves the Schleiman tankin this area, after saving Ducktor Sid. There are 17 slimes in total to rescue in Tootinschleiman's Tomb.
Mt. Krakatroda
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A large mountain in northern Slimenia. The player obtains the Krak Pot here, allowing the player to use items found in all areas to be combined to make items to be used with the Schliman Tank.
A dense forest located south-west of Forewood Forest. Rocket has to beat three enemy tanks in order to unlock the metal gates to battle Slival and save his sister,Bo. There are 6 Slimes to be rescued here.
Callmigh Bluff
Callmigh Bluff

Rocket goes down the rope to the deepest part of Callmigh Bluff.

Acliff located(Roughly) in the midpoint from Forewood Forest to Mt.Kraktroda. Rocket's Parent's are here, and also the player learns the charge move here. There are 18 slimes to be rescued here.
Flucifer's Necropolis
Flucficers Necropolis-1
An excavation site being used by the Plob. 17 Slimes are to be rescued here.
Flying Clawtress

The anchor of the Flying Clawtress

The base of the plob, and final dungeon. Rocket comes here in order to defeat Don Clawleone, boss of the plob. There are 10 slimes here.

Other Appearances[]

Interesting as it is, Slimenia appears in Fortune Street for Nintendo Wii in the Dragon Quest tour. However, the map is rather from Slime MoriMori versus the map from Rocket Slime.


Other languages[]

Other languages
German Schleimänien
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown